Saturday, November 21, 2015

Be The Poop Detector

I was very interested in the idea of the poop detector, and my kids would be thrilled by the name! 

I think it's really interesting how the idea of poop detector jives with an idea I'm learning about in my FAM 400 class. We are learning about family systems theory, and one of the concepts of the theory is that there are feedback loops which help the family to maintain homeostasis. 

Feedback loops are how we pull family members back into the realm of expected behavior, and how far we allow behavior to drift before we pull them back in has to do with how how rigid or chaotic your family system is. 

In a marital relationship, noticing when something is amok is something that is easy to do when we are closely attuned to one another. Having a vivid love map helps you to know when something is off as well. You have to know what normal is to know if there is a change. When we send out bids for engagement and our partner feels close enough to let us in and tell us what's up, that is evidence of a strong bond. It's hard to imagine a partnership like that getting into serious trouble. But a partnership where you don't check in until you start finding some kind of evidence of misdeed is going to have problems that are much more difficult to navigate.

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